And this is my Woman Within Journey…
ALONG THE WAY I FOUND MY SUPERPOWERS, remembered my deep desires of
creating belonging to make a difference through generational healing.
If you’re an everyday woman like me, you want the simple things in life, happiness, freedom to be yourself, and relationships where you are free to choose and be chosen in return. With a sprinkle of courage & confidence to rediscover & follow your dreams.
My highest values are LOVE & FREEDOM.
I believe, when an everyday woman FEELS, like she can and does make a DIFFERENCE in this world, this ripples out oceans of love to her family, her friends, her work, her clients and the entire planet.
- My dogs Goldie + Cooper – who have taught me how to give and receive unconditional love, through taking responsibility, resting and playing. They were both gifts from the universe who put me on the path of choosing and being chosen.
- The Ocean – The full depth of the ocean represents who I really am (light, dark, wild, free, peaceful, beautiful, calm, powerful, flow) and my highest values are freedom and love!
- Energy & Soul Medicine – what can I say. It’s life changing, it fulfils me, it inspires me. It chose me and became my healing, becoming & awakening miracle. And I know it can for you too!
- Travel – not all that wander are lost. There is nothing that liberates me more than travelling the world. My favourite countries are Spain, Croatia and Turkey.
- Sharing our Journey’s – If I had to say one thing I LOVE about my biz it is having the privilege to hear the stories that shape the woman we really are. It’s these heartbreaks, challenges and lessons that lead us to our passions & soul purpose. There is such freedom in recognising, owning and expressing our truth.
My old story goes – from the moment I was born breach with the cord wrapped around my neck, I STRUGGLED. With Everything, except one thing – my soul purpose!
My own soul decided to awaken at the age of 24, and really the awakening journey hasn’t stopped! When your heart cracks open and your soul wakes up, something mysterious, messy and magical takes place!
Heart and soul journeys (Becoming & Awakening YOU), can seem like diving into a wild ocean, getting dumped over and over while gasping for breath. We can feel crazy as we question everything, our stories, our beliefs, our fears. It’s only when we let go and find our flow, we find ourselves ashore feeling rejuvenated and basking in the light of who we really are.
It becomes impossible to settle – in love-less relationships, jobs that don’t fulfill & faded dreams. The sadness of closing down your heart, your truth, your gifts & your purpose
– hurts way too much.
Moments that shaped my journey & changed my life from the inside out!
At 20, I completed a Bachelor of Psychology, & worked as a Family & Youth Practitioner for the next 17 years.
At 24, I listened to the whisper of my soul, broke up with a man I was set to marry, packed up & left on an overseas adventure. It was the most fun, exhilarating experience of my life. This was my first taste of finding my confidence, trusting the universe, meeting soulmates and finding my FREEDOM within me.
And I wanted more!
At 30 years old, I should have been happy. I was a well renowned & respected Psychology Practitioner, who loved her job & her clients, I had a supportive family, partner, was well travelled, had plenty of money in the bank & good friends.
But my truth was. I wasn’t happy.
Bubbling under the surface, was feelings of lost, alone, confused, anxious, depressed & disconnected.
At 31, I slipped on a chocolate milkshake (yep true story) & all that was bubbling was brought to the surface as I spent the next 2 years in chronic pain seeing doctors, specialists, chiros, physios. I had injections, medications, surgeries, spinal blocks – & still I couldn’t walk properly nor was I pain free.
My body was screaming at me with symptoms that mainstream medicine couldn’t solve.

The day I was diagnosed with an 11% disability for life, was the day I decided to take responsibility for my own healing and well-being. The journey within to find my own medicine began!
My search took me to some extraordinary places and profound experiences that I didn’t even know existed or were possible. I travelled to unfamiliar places here I questioning the stories, beliefs and fears, I once held as true. I trained in Reiki, Kinesiology & Soul medicine, healed my inner child, awakened my womb and birthed my soul & her medicine.
I emerged a changed woman, with a new inner strength & a burning desire to discover more of this new way of being.
This led me to transitioning from my 17 year career in Psychology into Kinesiology & Energy Medicine. And little did I know, this leap of faith would lead to awakening ALL parts me & gathering the pieces of my soul purpose puzzle.
A piece of the puzzle, arrived one day when my GODDESS Woman Within me ignited a flame within my heart & commanded I choose myself learn my souls medicine. (not from my teachers but from my own heart and soul).
I co-created with a soulful mentor and in return, I was gifted The Woman Within Journey and these 7 beautiful archetypes, that changed my life and continue to change the lives of everyday women.

In 2017, the Creatress Women within me emerged, with a great big bang! She turned my whole life inside out and upside down. I gave myself permission to fall apart, as I watched everything I once loved, leave my life. All I could do was surrender, let go of control, allow the unfolding and trust there was a higher purpose to my experience – and there was!
She was asking me to actually BE and LIVE my truth. To embrace my gifts, commit to my purpose on a new level. What she was really asking me was to embody the truth of knowing I am worthy of receiving and to learn the art of co-creating my desires with the universe.
Here my Soul Mentoring journey unfolded and I birthed Becoming & The Awakening.
Living from this place is where I actualised myself as the CREATRESS of my life who could make her dreams possible (not just everyone else’s).
Here, everything began to transform.
My heart began to feel whole again.
My challenging experiences began to feel easier.
My confidence grew as my needs, wants and desires were met.
I began to make decisions from love not fear.
As I committed further to my path, my business attracted a new level of courageous women.
Now, I find my heart opening further as I choose & be chosen in love.

An AWAKENED WOMAN, who walks the path of knowing, loving and being herself – every single day.
A woman who creates through her soul, with her heart. I am a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and strives to be a better version of herself – every single day. A woman who knows & expresses her needs, wants and desires, because she knows she is worthy of receiving what she truly desire.

I’m so honoured to have received these gifts & to be able to share it with & inspire other everyday women in what’s possible for them too.
If you are called to BE the best version of yourself and desire to heal, transform and create YOU. I invite you to connect with me. You can read more about my professional bio, qualifications & belief framework over at my CV Page & Soul Vision Page.
Everything I create comes from my heart and soul. All the services I offer have catapulted my own healing and transformation and that of my soul clients. I will walk beside you every step of the way, while lovingly guiding you into alignment with your heart, truth, gifts and soul purpose.
Oceans OF LOVE
Working with Megan Johnston, Universal timing is everything when journeying back to your soul. Have you ever looked back to a series of moments and choices that lead you to where you are now? When looking back and reflecting on my journey with Megan I can say that there was divine support for my journey to awaken my soul purpose. It took courage to make that first call after quite a few months of falling down in life. But after our first session together I knew I was right where I needed to be. Megan was supportive, intuitive and held space while I birthed my truths, awoke my soul and fell back in love with myself. Committing to a mentoring program with Megan was life changing. She held me accountable for my growth, nurtured me through the dark spaces, and we celebrated the birthing of new gifts. It was a space where we could co – create magic and feel deeply connected as soul sisters. Megan is more than a mentor, she is deeply committed to all her client’s journeys with support through calls, emails, messages and one on one sessions. Her programs are beautifully tailored to everyday women who as searching for connection. I would not be where I am today without having said yes to Megan’s mentoring program. If you have ever felt the pull grow yourself but just wanted someone to journey through it with you, then I would highly recommend working with this gorgeous woman.
Share a piece of your heart with me.